Blf Social Club Poker Run
Crews are a great way to play together online. Create your own Crew and invite your Social Club friends or join an established Crew and jump straight into the action. Community Content. A diverse world is ready for you to explore. In-game or on Social Club, share photos from your travels and discover content shared by the rest of the community. In less than two weeks, the Prime Social Club in Houston, Texas will play host to the inaugural Lonestar Poker Series, which will run October 23-November 1.PokerNews will be offering daily live.
3-28-007 charged with illegal gambling say it's just fun.
Buffalo News Staff Reporter
BILL WIPPERT/Buffalo News Federal authorities say the Donato Social Club, center, at 188 Grant St., is a “front for a casino-style gambling business.” |

The FBI and U.S. attorney's office call the club something else: a front for a 'casino-style gambling business.'
Ultimately, a jury may decide, as seven men from Buffalo and Tonawanda - including one who is 76 years old - face felony gambling charges in connection with the club at 188 Grant St.
A federal grand jury recently indicted the seven men after a lengthy investigation that included the installation of hidden recording devices and video cameras in the social club.
Charged with conspiracy to run an illegal gambling business are: John 'Johnny Catz' Catanzaro, 57, of Norwalk Avenue; Donald Panepinto, 58, of Brighton Road, Town of Tonawanda; Frank 'Babe' Mambrino, 64, and his son, Carmen Mambrino, 30, both of Lovering Avenue; Joseph 'Peppers' DiGioia, 76, of Claremont Avenue; Annuncio 'Rod' Cannizzaro, 66, of Cottage Street; and Robert Chimera, 63, of Linden Avenue.
Prosecutors also have filed court papers seeking forfeiture of the building, a former children's clothing store located near Grant and Lafayette avenues.
'The indictment charges the defendants with running poker, ziganette (an Italian card game) and dice games, both on the premises at 188 Grant St. . . . and at stags run at various locations in the area, from March to early September of 1999,' said Assistant U.S. Attorney Anthony M. Bruce.
According to law enforcement officials, the amount of money gambled in the club was in the thousands of dollars, and some of the figures involved with the club have ties to organized crime.
Catanzaro is a former Laborers Local 210 official who served prison time after his 1990 conviction in a no-show job scheme. In December, the U.S. Justice Department called him a 'made member' in Buffalo's Mafia family.
Despite the criminal charges, the social club and its members have some supporters among business people and residents of the Grant Street area.
Some of the supporters claim the FBI is trying to turn a harmless series of dice and poker games into something out of 'The Godfather' or 'Good Fellas.'
'We have some serious crime problems in this neighborhood - including drugs, panhandlers and prostitution. But there's nothing that goes on in that club that spills out into the neighborhood,' said Dwayne Robinson, president of a neighborhood block club known as the Ferguson Street United Residents Group. 'From everything I can see, they're just some older gentlemen who like to play cards.'
Three neighborhood business people made similar comments on Monday.
'To me, that social club is an asset to the community, not a problem,' said James Lorigo, who runs the Meating Place, a butcher's shop across the street from the social club.
'They took over the property and completely renovated it. They keep up the property. At night, the lights are on. These men, they keep an eye on things in the community. We have gangs roaming the streets around here at night - that's what the authorities should be cracking down on.'
Similar comments came from Ronald Charlton, who is renovating a medical building in the neighborhood, and Nick LaFornara, who runs a barber shop two doors away from the social club.
'I see prostitution and drug dealers openly operating in this neighborhood, and you're telling me they're hustling these old guys for playing cards? What about the casino across the river, making millions?' Charlton said. 'They're harmless, in my eyes. I'm 55, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone in the place who wasn't older than me.'
All seven suspects pleaded innocent in the case before U.S. Magistrate Judge Leslie G. Foschio.
The government case is blown way out of proportion, according to defense lawyers Joel L. Daniels and John P. Pieri, who represents Carmen and Frank Mambrino. Carmen Mambrino owns the social club building.
Nobody was making big money on the gambling, said Pieri, who has known several of the suspects since he was a youngster growing up on the West Side.
'The government has told us they have 300 hours of audio and videotapes. It's very boring information about people doing nothing,' Pieri said. 'From what I understand, if there were a few hundred bucks on the table for the whole night, that would be a lot. A small part of that was put aside to pay for rent and food at the social club.
'The government's perception of 'Good Fellas' is something the government tries to enhance. I think you have too many FBI agents sitting around with nothing to do. They send them to go out and bust up a $2 card game.'
Not true, according to Bruce and Paul M. Moskal, spokesman for the Buffalo FBI office.
While declining to discuss specifics about the case, Moskal said illegal gambling operations have caused many problems in Western New York, going back decades.
'Much of the illegal gambling that goes on in Western New York does tie in to organized crime,' Moskal said. 'Illegal gambling, over the years, has cost society hundreds of millions of dollars. We're not trying to say every person who gambles is a criminal. At first blush, an operation like this might seem harmless, but we've seen operations like this lead to loansharking, extortion, gambling addictions. We've seen families ruined.'
Lorigo said some of the men associated with the social club told him that FBI agents are targeting the club in an effort to secure information about bigger organized crime operations in Buffalo.
'I can tell you exactly what happened,' Lorigo said. 'The FBI went to these guys and said, 'We want you to snitch on some other people.' I think they're disturbing the wrong people.'
Moskal declined to comment on Lorigo's remarks.
'The law is the law,' Moskal said. 'Congress makes the laws. Our job is enforcement.'
Social Club
Need first and second VP NOW.
Secretary: Joyce Hine 724.689.5175
Treasurer: Pat Schuren 239.310.0709
All residents of Forest Park are members of the Social Club. We depend on volunteers to run these events that all enjoy,
There are opportunities currently available.. Get together with some of your friends or neighbors and volunteer to be a host
Need Volunteers for Next Season – 2020 -21
- Halloween Dance
- Hot Dog Dinners (first Monday of the month before Karaoke in season)
- Veterans Day
- End of Season Pavillion Dance
Bible Study
Blf Social Club Poker Run Games
Meets Thursday Mornings at 10 AM until 12.
During the months of November to April we meet at the home of Reva Doliana,849 Hollyberry Court. From May to October, Waneta Schafer opens up her house to us at 344 Shrub Lane S. Just come to the door, and walk in– -we’ll be glad to welcome you! If you have any questions, please call Reva at 812-322-3986, Waneta 239-219-7593 or Laura at 239-210-8010.
Contact Joyce Hoffman 319.464.2433
Bocce ball is played on Monday and Thursday at the Bocce courts at 2:30 PM. Arrive at 2:15 New Members Welcome.
There are no dues.
Computer Club
We are a group of friendly people who meet once a week in the billiard room every Thursday @ 2 – 4 pm from November to April. Membership is $10/yr/household.
Our aim is to learn, help and have fun with computers, tablets and cell phones. Anyone is welcome to join and ask for assistance, offer help in any area in which they have expertise or simply meet with fellow residents who are interested in all aspects of computers. Within our group are the residents who monitor our wifi system, order the equipment for residents to purchase, act as webmaster for the website and liaison with the FP BOD and residents to keep them up to date on the system.
Since “Cutting the Cable” is becoming more and more popular, we need people who are familiar with internet TV to give us their experience. In order to be able to pursue this learning experience, we, in conjunction with the FPPOA purchased a 75” TV, which is mounted in the billiard room and can be used by us and the BOD for their meetings.
We can no longer accept old computers, printers or other old equipment. So, please do not leave them in the Activities Bldg. They can be environmentally and safely recycled by taking to Goodwill. We do collect used ink cartridges and donate them to a local school to help teachers buy supplies.
Contacts: Sherrill or John Wright
@ 239.349.3827
email –
WiFi – Doug Ford
email –
Jim Schleter
email –
KARAOKE Contact – Bob Rispoli 917.751.9265
Karaoke is held year round every month on the first and third Monday – 6:00 – 9:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Everyone is invited to bring their own music CD and sing along with it. All residents and guests are invited to come and listen to the singers.
On the first Monday of the month the Social Club serves a Hot Dog Dinner
from 5:30 – 6:00, November through April.
Check out the gospel sing from 2/26/2012. View Here.
Shuffle Board
Contact Bill Madill 239.628.9904
- Shuffleboard Fun Night – Everyone is invited to play shuffleboard every Wednesday night at
6:45 PM. - Ladies’ Shuffleboard – Ladies get to play shuffleboard every Tuesday morning at 10 AM. Come enjoy, ladies.
- Mixed Shuffleboard – Men and women play shuffleboard on Monday, Friday and Saturday mornings at 10AM.
- Valentines’ Day Breakfast is hosted by this club
We have a lovely Billiards Room. All residents and their guests are welcome to use this facility.
Book Club
Contact Gail Ford 603.440.5122
The Book Club meets on the third Friday of each month at 1 PM in the Activities Building. Everyone reads the same book during the month. At the meeting the book is discussed.
Cards and Games
There are a variety of card games played in the park. Sign-up sheets are on the window ledge at the back of the main Clubhouse.
Bid Euchre (Contact Madeline Preston 239.731.0279) is played in the Clubhouse on Wednesday and Saturday nights at 7 PM. Be there at 6:30.
Bridge Mixed (Contact Patricia Tegler 239.567.0148) is played on Friday night in the Clubhouse at 6:30.
Canadian Euchre (Contact Bety Hult 239.543.4645) is played Wednesday night at 6:30PM in the Activity Building. Be there at 6:30. The cost to play is $.50 and all money is divided among the players who have the highest to lowest scores of the night.
Duplicate Bridge starts in November and plays through March. They meet on Monday at 12:30 PM in the Activity Building.
Golf Card Game Tuesday at 1:00 PM Activity Building
Hand and Foot Game – Join us on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm in the Clubhouse for the “Hand and Foot” card game. It can be played at a table of 6, 4, or 3. All are welcomed! This card Game goes all through the summer months.
Mahjongg – (Gail Ford 603.440.5122) Wendsday 1:00 PM in the Activity Building
Poker is played on Friday night at 7 PM.
Skip Bo (Harold Mundle 239.567.0488)
.MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOS Contact Sheila Fitzgerald 978.314.8148
Mexican Train Dominoes gets together at the Clubhouse on Monday at 9:00 AM to enjoy this variation of Dominos.
Social Club Koffee Klatsch occurs on the first Friday of the month at 9 AM from November to April.
Coffee and donuts will be served. Bring your own coffee cup. There is a 50/50 drawing.
Immediately after our speaker, we will have a short Social Club Meeting. You are all invited to come to the meeting.
Bring your ideas and suggestions or sign up to volunteer to help with an activity.
MENS KOFFEE KLATSCH (Contact Gloria Hartz 219.707.9174)
Mens Koffee Klatsch is held the 2nd Friday of the month from November- April at 8 a.m. in the clubhouse.
Come out for conversation with other Forest Park Men.
Coffee and donut will be provided. Please bring your own coffee cup.
Ladies Koffee Klatsch is held Every 3rd Friday at 9AM
WOMENS KOFFEE KLATSCH is a social gathering for the ladies of Forest Park to come out and join other ladies in conversation. This is held the
3rd Friday of the month at 9 a.m. in the clubhouse. Coffee and a treat will be provided. Bring your own coffee cup.
Pine Tree Knots Quilters
Contact Peg Baker 239.826.1249
The Pine Tree Knots meet on Thursday Mornings from 9 to 11 AM in the Club House. No experience necessary. We have member that have been sewing 60 years and members who are new to sewing. Stop by to see what we are doing. We also make “comfort quilts” for our residents with serious illness. Please let a quilt club member know if you have a neighbor or friend that should receive one.
The Quilt Club will continue to meet on Thursdays during the summer.
The lap quilt above is one of 70 quilts given to the residents of our park who may be shut-ins or are ill or recovering from major surgery. They are given with the wishes of good health and healing.
Tool Shed Club
To access the Tool Shed please remit your membership dues to:
Bob Carson
424 Timber Lane N
607 857 0320
Bob will give you a key and will give you the RV Gate Code at that time.
For more information contact:
Bob Marron
On Tuesdays at 6:45 for 7:00 pm
Bingo in the Clubhouse.
Cards are .75 cents per card with a minimum purchase of 4 cards. All three Bingo’s go all year round. Check your calendar in the newsletter each month.
There is a new addition to our BINGO games. You put a quarter into a “money ball pot.” The first number called is the “special number” so that if your bingo on that number, you will win the money that has been collected in the money ball pot plus the money that is allotted for the game that you won. If the money ball pot was not won, the amount is saved from week to week until someone is the winner.
You cannot call your winning Bingo card; the callers will get your card and verify a Good Bingo and bring your winnings to you.
If a number has started to be called and you yell BINGO, the caller will continue to finish calling the number.Everyone must be at least 18 years of age. There are 16 games of regular Bingo, then the “Night Owl” which consists of only 4 games played: regular Bingo, Letter T, Letter H and Full Card. The Full Card winner gets the Big Jackpot.
Craft Club
Contact Diana Power (317.459.9041)
The Craft Club meets on Wednesday mornings in the Clubhouse at 9 AM. Enjoy the fellowship while working on a variety of projects. This is an active group during the season. The club hosts dinners and uses the profits for park projects, kitchen utensils, supplies and equipment and also makes donations to charities.
Projects supported by the group include The Veterans Hospital. Prepaid Phone Calling Cards for active military. Crafts for Meals on Wheels, Local Food Pantry and the Basket of Cheer in our park. Another project is donating clothing and toys to the women and children’s abuse center and support Guard Dogs. Come by and see what projects we are doing and join the fun.
Dues are $10.00 for the year.
Bears made for VA Hospital by Club Members
Bears Made for VA Hospital
Craft Club Presents a gift check and collected toys for Abuse Counseling and Treatment Center representative Megan
Contact Carole Beconder
Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the clubhouse
RECOMMENDED FOR “KIDS” OF ANY AGE. Please join us for a fun, easy exercise program. For ½ hour we warm up our bodies with slow movements. Then we just walk for the other half of the hour.
EASY WATER EXERCISE Monday thru Friday in the pool from 10:30 – 11:30 AM.
When you do slow exercise movements in the pool, this means less stress on your joints plus we get those healthy rays of sunshine at the same time. Exercises are also subject to weather cooperating.
Mini Golf
A 9 hole miniature golf course is located behind the pavillion for your enjoyment. Clubs and balls can be borrowed from the closet behind the bocce ball court.
Northeast Club

Contact Chris Major
$10 dues per person to become a member
Everyone in Forest Park is welcome to become a member. You do not have to be from the Northeast.
Each event may include a meal and always includes entertainment. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings.
Jan 25, 2021
Elvis Birthday Bash
Blf Social Club Poker Runs
Feb 22, 2021
Saturday Nite Fever
Blf Social Club Poker Runner
March 22, 2021
March Toga Party
April 12, 2021
Annual Picnic
Blf Social Club Poker Run Results
Contact Pam Salk 260 385 6407
You need to be 50 years old to join this club. The only requirement is that you wear a red hat and purple outfit when we go out to events. The only guideline is that we have fun!! We joined the National Red Hats Organization.